An incubator of women leaders

Annual Celebratory Gathering

  • 11/12/2020
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • via Zoom


Registration is closed

Every year CLUB members gather to connect across our organization, celebrate accomplishments of the past year, and inspire each other to reach for the stars in the year to come. This year will be no different - except we'll meet virtually instead of in person. Join your CLUB Board for a fun set of networking activities across the entire membership and in smaller breakout rooms. 

Our party falls on National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day, so we propose feeding ourselves and others by supporting our local restaurants and food banks. 

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Copyright 2012 - 2022   The CLUB - A Women's Leadership Organization Serving Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area
The CLUB is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.

The Women's CLUB of Silicon Valley   P.O. Box 126  Palo Alto, CA 94302  USA

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