An incubator of women leaders

Volunteer Opportunities 

One of the best ways to get connected with other members of the CLUB and hone leadership skills is to join one of our committees. Choose the committee that best suits your interests and skillsets!

Committees that need volunteers:

  • Membership Committee: 
Help drive our membership including recruiting new members, welcoming & onboarding new members, and finding opportunities to increase membership through company partnerships.

  • Mentoring Committee:
If you are interested in leading a CLUB Mentoring Circle, update your profile to let other members know that you welcome mentoring opportunities and in which areas you have expertise. 

  • Programming Committee: 
Help to organize and lead events!

  • Sponsorship Committee: 
Let us know if you think your company may be interested in sponsoring or you are interested in participating in the Sponsorship Committee.

  • Tech Committee: 

If you are working in Technology and/or want to enhance the digital presence of the CLUB, join the Tech Committee. We are embarking on an exciting journey to make the CLUB's digital platform more engaging and exciting than ever. We are geared up to drive some exciting new changes like Integrating with Streaming and video solutions, optimizing the site for better engagement, mobile app and working with marketing committee to drive new initiatives. 

  • Marketing & Communications
  • Affiliates/Outreach
  • Member Experience (UX)

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities below please email

Copyright 2012 - 2022   The CLUB - A Women's Leadership Organization Serving Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area
The CLUB is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.

The Women's CLUB of Silicon Valley   P.O. Box 126  Palo Alto, CA 94302  USA

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