An incubator of women leaders


Do you have a challenge you're struggling with?

The CLUB is a tight-knit community of women helping women. Whether you have decades of work experience, or you are launching (or relaunching) your professional journey, we can provide support. Collectively, we have gone through most professional challenges. Whether it's breaking through the glass ceiling or cutting through the noise, there are multiple ways to engage and connect so you can achieve your goals!

Looking for a Mentor?

As a member of The CLUB you will gain access to professional women with a wealth of expertise to share. Use the on-line directory look up members by organization, department or industry. Looking for a 1:1 session for an immediate need or an on-going relationship? Here you will find women with expertise willing to share their experiences and support you.

Want to be Mentor?

Update your member profile so members know your areas of expertise.

About the CLUB Leader Cirles

The Leader Mentoring Circle is a way to connect with other CLUB members in a small, repeat setting to support your professional and personal journeys. Meet in-person for a 3-month period to learn, explore and share in a safe, confidential environment. 

Fill this form to lead and/or join a circle today 

Peers mentor each other through career changes, challenges and networking plans by helping each other explore individual values, goals and purpose. These are volunteer-run, self-organizing groups that meet in different locations based on interest.

Questions? If you have questions about mentoring within The CLUB, contact

Other Ways to Connect

The CLUB offers many opportunities, from events to casual lunches and cocktail hours to on-line discussions. Check out the calendar of programmed events and activities. If you are interested in joining, learn more about The CLUB and how to apply.

Copyright 2012 - 2022   The CLUB - A Women's Leadership Organization Serving Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area
The CLUB is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.

The Women's CLUB of Silicon Valley   P.O. Box 126  Palo Alto, CA 94302  USA

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