An incubator of women leaders

The CLUB's Pitch Perfect - Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch

07/07/2015 6:16 PM | Anonymous

Do you have a company, product, service or idea you would like to pitch? Or, are you in a business where you need to pitch yourself or your services on a regular basis?  The CLUB is starting a new initiative to give members the opportunity to perfect their elevator pitches.  Starting at 6:45 p.m. at CLUB events, two to three members will have the opportunity to give a two-minute elevator pitch to the group and then, in the spirit of learning to grow from feedback, answer up to two minutes of questions or comments about their pitch.  If you are interested in pitching at a future CLUB event, please sign up to be a member.  We look forward to hearing your pitches!

Copyright 2012 - 2022   The CLUB - A Women's Leadership Organization Serving Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area
The CLUB is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.

The Women's CLUB of Silicon Valley   P.O. Box 126  Palo Alto, CA 94302  USA

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