An incubator of women leaders

Julia Andrianova-Figg


Operations & Sales Leader 

Julia Andrianova-Figg, CLUB Board Member and recently promoted Director of Operations at LYT, is dedicated to helping people embrace new technologies. She believes that advancements in technology can help improve our daily lives both personally and professional. Julia has always had a desire to help others and in her current role with LYT, she is changing the way we care for our communities through technology. Her work at LYT not only helps first responders reach emergency scenes faster but is also working to improve our communities by helping transit buses run more reliably and on time.

First, I’d say it’s OK to be reluctant -- not everybody is an early adopter. And, honestly, not all new technologies are created equal. I also believe that ones’ hesitancy to change is mostly due to not fully understanding the value of new technologies." - Julia Andrianova-Figg, CLUB Board Member

1. What has surprised you the most about the trajectory of your career?

That the career trajectory doesn’t have to be linear and match anybody’s expectations except your own. That success and happiness might not directly relate to climbing the proverbial career ladder. And that it is OK to make career changes, sometimes drastic, if that’s what you want and need, like a professional sabbatical, for instance.

I’ve been successful in technology enterprise sales, sales engineering, and sales leadership before deciding to change industries, work environments (corporate vs. startup), and pivoting to a pre-sales leadership position. It is far from a linear career trajectory, and I’ve been enjoying every step of the way and looking forward to what it'll lead to.

2. What drives your passion for technology and sales?

Curiosity and desire to help others. I’ve been driven by curiosity since childhood, asking way too many questions and listening to the answers. Technology advancements can improve our lives and environment -- and I love finding innovative ways to solve clients' problems.

3. What traits of yours have been most valuable in your career?

By nature, I am a connector & a collaborator, successfully working across borders, cultures, and genders. I am grateful to work with people from different backgrounds, agendas and points of view to collaborate and deliver the results in the most beneficial way to our customers. These are probably my most valuable traits of character, fueled by willingness to learn and adapt, positive attitude, & curiosity of what can be achieved next. Oh, and not taking myself too seriously. 

4. What advice do you have for people who are reluctant to embrace new technologies?

First, I’d say it’s OK to be reluctant -- not everybody is an early adopter. And, honestly, not all new technologies are created equal. I also believe that ones’ hesitancy to change is mostly due to not fully understanding the value of new technologies. You may find yourself asking: do I have time or wish to learn new things? Why embrace a new tech when the old one is working just fine? 

For example, at LYT, we are on a mission to build better communities through less traffic. We help first responders reach the emergency scene faster and help transit buses run more reliably and on time.

As you could imagine, agencies who buy these types of solutions are oftentimes conservative when it comes to embracing new technologies. One of the ways that we encourage public agencies to test the waters and learn about the value of new technologies like ours is through education and live demonstrations of the benefits of LYT.  And, similarly, my advice to all who are reluctant to embrace new technologies is to just try it and see if the technology is worth adopting to improve your life and career.

5. Who/what has inspired you to be fearless in your career?

A sense of adventure in pursuit of joy inspires me to be fearless in my career! I am not afraid to make choices and changes. 

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” -- Rumi

"Joy is a freedom. It helps a person to find his/her own liberation. The person who is joyous takes responsibility for the time he/she takes up and the space that he/she occupies. You share it! Some of you have it ... you share it! That is what joy is! When you continue to give it away you will still have so much more of it." -- Maya Angelou

And, of course, the Women’s CLUB of Silicon Valley. I'm inspired by our supportive community of fearless women and learn from them every day.

6. What are ways that you have balanced career, personal, and other interests?

Actually, I am still learning how to balance it all and would love to hear how others do it. I work at a high-growth company in a fast-paced environment, serve as a Board Director at the CLUB, and run a travel blog. I love spending time with my husband and our dog, friends and family, and want to carve in some “me” time too. Oh, and I hope to publish my first fiction book -- so, putting it out to the Universe.

Please feel free to ping me for career pivoting advice or any questions about high-growth startups – I’ll be happy to connect!

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