By Katia Bloom and Olga V. Mack
A night after Hillary Clinton – Secretary of State, Senator and former first lady – became the first woman ever to be nominated for president of the United States by a major political party, we found ourselves playing the “Where’s Hillary?” game. The rules are simple: it is just like looking through a “Where’s Waldo?” book, except the participants look for Hillary. After all, as women and Americans, we wanted to find something we could keep as a historical memento of the moment Hilary Clinton broke the highest glass ceiling yet.
We started with the cover of The Wall Street Journal and, initially, thought that perhaps this was an internet hoax of some kind. We decided to look at the local paper in our progressive city, the San Francisco Chronicle and saw the exact same thing: these fine, established publications put Clinton on their covers. It just happened to be Bill, not Hillary! Apparently, they accidentally re-published the 1992 issues, when Bill was nominated. An honest printing mistake, we are sure. These things happen all the time even to the best of us!
Perhaps the papers got confused because after decades of marriage, couples start to resemble each other, so Bill and Hillary probably just look so much alike, it’s not surprising that these publications can’t keep them apart. Can you? If you squint your eyes, Bill and Hillary are practically identical twins. In fairness, they do have the same last name and that can definitely confuse even the most trained professional. So, Bill on the cover of The Wall Street Journal and San Francisco Chronicle after Hillary changes history makes sense, right?!

Our “Where’s Hillary?” game reached a new high with The New York Times and East Bay Times. The good news is that these publication fact-check more thoroughly than The Wall Street Journal and San Francisco Chronicle. No rookie “confusing the man for the woman” mistakes for these seasoned media professionals!

And in a great Hollywood tradition they make it suspenseful on the cover page, probably to keep the readers interested in this somewhat outdated media. The New York Times and East Bay cover pages are appropriately cheerful, celebratory, and optimistic! There are references to “history” and pictures of posters and happy, patriotic. . . . random people. Looking for Hillary takes forever!
The New York Times and East Bay Times clearly got it right: putting a large picture of Hillary, the actual presidential nominee, on the cover would inappropriately give everything away too soon. We were starting to understand that perhaps we just hadn’t paid enough attention in our media classes in college. It’s like wearing a see-through dress on the first date – too much, too soon. Some things – like fine, impressive, highly achieved ladies that changes history – are better left to one’s imagination, right?!
At the end of the night, USA Today completely ruined our “Where’s Hillary?” game! It was the only publication that placed a larger than life, bright image of Hillary on the very top of its front page. What were they thinking? A powerful woman, unsupervised, no less! So, we spent the rest of the night framing this front page as our historical keepsake. This way we, and our daughters, can remember for years to come that women look great right where they belong: on top.

Katia Bloom is an attorney specializing in corporate and contract law. She currently serves as Senior Legal Counsel at Avira GmbH.
Olga V Mack is an attorney who enjoys helping startups thrive and grow. Olga is General Counsel at ClearSlide. You can find her online at Olga is a member of The CLUB's 2016 Incubator Program.