How My “WTF” Moment Sparked a Petition for Gender Equality
by Olga V. Mack
“Would you like to try one of our hand-crafted beers? It’s very good,” the server asked me as I entered an after-work business meeting. I declined and instead opted for sparkling water. After putting on my name tag, I turned around and found myself in the middle of a full room. I stood there, carefully observing, trying to gauge the tone and tenor of multiple conversations. Then I had a distinct feeling, one I rarely experience: the feeling of being out of place. I brushed the feeling away. It’s just because I’m new here, I told myself.
As I scanned the room for a group to approach, I suddenly realized that everyone around me was a man. In fact, I was surrounded by what seemed like a sea of men. Maybe I’m just nervous — another feeling rare to me — and the nerves are affecting my otherwise good vision, I told myself. I eyed the crowd more deliberately. I couldn’t possibly be the only woman in the room. Finally, one of the men extended his hand, introduced himself, and asked, “Who are you here with?” Puzzled, I took my time to sip, smile, and look him in the eye. With an exaggerated Eastern European accent, I simply stated: “I’m unsupervised tonight. And sir, imagine all the damage I can do.” Pleased that I finally found a use for my accent in public, I excused myself to refill my sparkling water. I had handled the situation as best I could, but inside I was appalled.
Did I mention that this happened in 2016? And that we were in the United States of America — the richest and supposedly the most advanced civilization in history? And yet, as I progress in my career, I increasingly find myself the lone woman in a sea of men. That meeting was not the first of its kind, but for me, it was the last straw.
Later that day I learned that according to recent data from S&P Global Market Intelligence, 24 Fortune 500 companies currently have no women on their boards. How disappointing, antiquated and irritating, I thought to myself. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. How fundamentally unfair and repugnant is it that being a woman can make it essentially impossible to serve on some boards of directors — no matter how hard-working, deserving, or qualified she is?
And that’s when I had my “WTF” moment — another unfamiliar feeling. But one that was most certainly warranted for a reality that deserved one of those rare moments of pure, unadulterated “WTF.”
This was not the first time I realized that business and law are not friendly to women. During my years as an attorney, I saw women drop out of the profession, make difficult reproductive choices, and struggle to ramp up their careers after taking extensive leaves. I suffered no delusion of gender equality. In fact, except for the occasional complaint, I implicitly accepted the inequality as a status quo to navigate, not to change. In the “old boys’ club” of corporate law, I took the “good girl” approach. After all, the gender inequality didn’t make any of my career aspirations impossible. It merely made them less likely. Gender inequality wasn’t a roadblock so much as a hurdle that I could overcome over time if I tried a little harder.
What made the S&P Global Market Intelligence’s “List of Shame” a “WTF” moment for me was the overarching feeling of futility. Working harder, taking more chances, and relying on one’s intelligence would make no difference for a woman seeking a board position at any one of those 24 companies. The cold truth stared me right in the face — being a woman makes board service at certain companies impossible, null and void, and prohibitive.
At that moment, I relinquished my place on the side and “good girl” approach to dedicate my effort to affect change: I started the Women Serve on Boards petition movement (#WomenServeOnBoards) that makes a fiscal and social case for taking initial steps toward gender equality on boards. My first two petitions — to Land O’Lakes and Discovery Communications, two companies on the list of 24 — requests these companies to add at least one woman to its board of directors. I hope that others will join me and start petitioning the other 22 companies on this infamous list, using my petitions as a template or as inspiration to create their own compelling calls to action.
Adding women to boards makes business sense for each company on this list: it will significantly increase profits, boost its competitive advantage, and put the company on the right side of the issue. Taking steps toward gender equality on boards is also the right move socially. Companies that aim to improve and shape society can’t do so unless they reflect society. Upcoming generations need a future where gender inequality is a thing of the past, not a status quo to accept or even a hurdle to overcome. So please join me in signing the petition, and asking these 24 companies to step into modern times and commit to gender equality.
Please join the the Women Serve on Boards petition movement (#WomenServeOnBoards), sign the Land O’Lakes and Discovery Communications petitions, and start petitioning the other 22 Fortune 500 companies that currently have no women on their boards. (As of May 1, 2016)
Olga V. Mack is a member of The CLUB Silicon Valley and the 2016 Incubator program. While the opinions stated here are those of the author, we applaud all thoughtful and positive steps that help encourage, promote, and drive gender equality.